Thursday, January 7, 2010

It's 2010: Where's my futuristic stuff?

We finally made it! 2010! We are officially living in the future!

How does it feel to be driving around in your new hovercraft? Don't you adore your shiny, silver, hi-tech jumpsuit? And tell me you can't get enough of that button in the kitchen that shoots out perfectly prepared roast beef from a little door in the wall!!! How's your robot dog doing????

Well, I don't know about you, but I'm still waiting for my damned jet pack...

So, if the future is now, where's my stuff???!!! I hate to say it, but I have the distinct feeling I've been rooked. It doesn't feel very futuristic here in 2010.

I used to regularly watch TV shows like Space 1999, Ark II, Twilight Zone and The Jetsons, dreaming of the amazing technology of the future. How about that cool Ark II Winnebago trolling a post-apocalyptic world with Adam the talking monkey at the helm? Or what about that robot maid, Rosie, the Jetsons had?  I sure could use her! Sign me up for that condo on the moon!

I loved movies like Logan's Run, Star Trek, 2001: A Space Odyssey and anything about the future just beyond my grasp. I wondered what futuristic new gadgets & technological wizardry awaited me in 2010 - perhaps a non-homicidal version of the Hal 9000?!

I long to say to Scotty, "Beam me up to the hologram deck, I'm ready to bask under the four suns of Gandar with my 3 headed space cat."

That would be so awesome...

Apparently, the tech downturn in 2001 was worse than I thought. It's 2010 and I don't even have a phaser I can set to stun...

That said, it hasn't been a total loss, we do have the Internet, iPhones, The Prius, the super collider at CERN, the "Roomba", DVRs, the Hubble Telescope and the Segway! That's not bad, but it's definitely not a personal mini-spaceship that can jump to hyper-drive in 3.2 seconds - now that's something to get excited about!

I'm sure we'll eventually get there, but I can't help but think that science and technology has a long way to go before I can get my anti-gravity basketball shoes or eat at that restaurant at the end of the universe.

We'll, until I can shake my disappointment, I guess I'll just put on my spandex jacket and listen to Donald Fagan's I.G.Y. song, daring to dream that 2020 will bring me the three headed space cat I've coveted for so long...

Lyrics to I.G.Y. by a fella with compassion and vision...


John H said...

Happy New Year, Kristi!

When I saw the topic of this entry, I must admit I was worried that I'd be reading the same old "Where is my flying car?" rant again. But, as always, you have your own perspective on things.

Three-headed space cat may not be mas macho que jetpack, but it (he? she? they?) is definitely more interesting. :-)

Sci-Fi can become dated so quickly. William Gibson, in the introduction to the latest edition of his novel "Neuromancer", notes that the most glaring omission from a novel that, after all, was not written *that* long ago, is the fact that no one has a cell phone.


Kris Woods said...

Happy New Year John! I'm glad to know that ONE of my friends is Hi-Tech & futuristic enough to post a comment!

That said, I'm glad you share my enthusiasm over the 3 headed space cat.

Interestingly enough, when everyone was using pagers here in the U.S. back in the early 90's, I was surprised to see everyone, including kids, walking around the streets of Hong Kong with cool mini-cell phones. Very few people had cell phones here at the time and then flash forward 15 years and now everyone is packin'.

I guess the future is now!

Brobinson54 said...

Fine I will are quickly becoming the Pinochet of the You Must Comment on My Blog(ers)!

Look no further than the current CES show going on in Vegas this week! There is a TV that is completely electronically wireless!! It gets power through the air somehow and doesn't use a plug!! Whoa!

Yeah, that's all I got. Maybe Apple's "iPad" will get you going....

Kris Woods said...

It's called the iSLATE not the iPAD!

TVs that run on batteries don't require plugs either, so I'm not impressed with your meager CES "futuristic" offering. Nice try though.

That said, there is a new screen like thing at is basically like a flexible piece of plastic about the size of a magazine that can have regular updated content like news, books, articles, etc. It's about as thin as a paperback book cover and can be rolled up and put in a purse or backpack.

Now that's what I'm talking about!!!!

Brobinson54 said...

Plus, a full size flat screen without a plug is different than a battery operated TV. Being a non-technical person, I can see how you would be shocked by that difference.