Friday, January 15, 2010

Calling on your humanity

As most of you know, I'm a huge news hound and I have been glued to CNN and checking news reports about Haiti online after the tragic earthquake there.  Clearly, the impact from this devastating earthquake is going to be playing out for years to come, that said, we need to get monetary donations to Haiti ASAP.

After watching three days of children with head wounds and compound fractures, images of dead bodies piled up in the streets and  numerous interviews of hopeless people having lost loved ones...I can't help but think, could this be California at some point in the future?  Sadly, it was New Orleans not so long ago.

Keeping that in mind, I hope everyone takes this situation to heart and donates $5 or $10 to a relief fund of your choice, that will get doctors, supplies, water and food to the people there.  I'll put a link to a list of various vetted charities at the bottom to make it easy. 

Three of my favorite charities are Doctors without Borders, Red Cross and The Clinton Foundation.  I hope you find a favorite and donate as generously as you can.  The smallest donation of $5 can help tremendously, so don't let the amount stop you.

A quote about the survivors struck me earlier today on CNN, 'It's like asking 911 victims to do search and rescue for three days straight without food or water.'  Imagine that.

I have to say, that no matter what our economic woes are right now, I would not trade them to be starving, injured on the street or trapped alive under rubble in Port au Prince at this moment.  Would you?

Check out this video that my friend, Pam Robinson, sent to me. It was put together by recording artist Glen Scott and friends from Hidden Beach, that wanted to do something to help raise money for Haiti - great music and images:

The Impossible Cut

For you cynics out there:  Knock it off.

There is no reason to doubt where your donation goes if you actually do a little research of vetted charities to give to.  If you aren't giving because you're afraid your money is going to be taken by some dark entity disguised as a charity, then get off your butt and find a charity that you can trust - that is no excuse not to help people.  I am probably one of the most cynical people on the planet, however, that doesn't keep me from giving to responsible charities. If you are one of these people, don't think you look "savvy" or "smart" because you are withholding a donation to save lives.

A good friend of mine pointed out today, that there are so many people on Facebook posting results from silly games and their latest animal acquisitions on Farmville, that it seems they are out of touch and their time could go to much better use.  That said, a little fun is never a bad thing, as long as it is balanced out with an appropriate amount of concern about the real world.  I hope that "virtual engagement" never overshadows the needs of people.

So, I'm asking everyone to think about your humanity today - what can you do to help if you haven't already?

I challenge you to be a citizen of the world and reach out to the people of Haiti now.

Please go to this link below to see a variety of vetted charities:

List of Charities that help Haiti

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